There are 4 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
13047M. Foote Eoplectodonta-Dicoelosia Subcommunity of the Rochester Shale at Densmore Creek Wenlock - Silurian 2 - New York Brett (1999)
13053M. Foote Whitfieldella-Large Leptaena Community of the Irondequoit Limestone Wenlock - Silurian 2 - New York Brett (1999)
26801M. Foote Stephanocrinus angulatus-Caryocrinites ornatus Assoc., Lower Rochester Shale Llandovery/Wenlock - Silurian 1-2 - New York Frest et al. (1999)
26866M. Foote Fistuliporid Bryozoan Bioherm Community, Irondequoit Lst, Genesee Gorge (= Reef 3257) Sheinwoodian - Silurian 2 - New York Brett (1999)

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